震災から一年 海外の記事まとめ


震災から1年経ちました。トップニュース扱いにしてくれている海外メディアから、いくつかピックアップ。  どれも読み応えのある記事なので、ぜひ目を通してみては。


Japan to mark quake and tsunami anniversary

Slow recovery?
But correspondents say that Japan is still dealing with the economic and political fallout of the disaster. Japan’s prime minister at the time of the disaster, Naoto Kan, resigned months later. (http://www.bbc.co.uk から抜粋 )


The Economistはさすがの経済誌だけあって、震災に伴う経済的な動きまできっちりまとめていて読み応えがあります。国内のWeb系のメディアよりもコレに目を通したほうが良いくらい。

Japan a year later The view from the north

Some ¥14.3 trillion ($175 billion) has been allocated for disaster relief and reconstruction across the northern part of Japan’s main island, called Tohoku. Much has been spent on clearing up the wreckage—locals refer to a “3/11 bubble” of reconstruction riches. But none of the money pledged for rebuilding has yet been delivered. So locals are frustrated by what seem like senseless delays. The area, now cleared of waste, shows no outward sign of revival. Some funds have been spent questionably. A cool ¥2.3 billion went to subsidise Japan’s annual whale hunt, for instance, “to stimulate the regional economy”. (http://www.economist.com から抜粋)



Japan’s 3/11 Disaster Endures in Broken Families, Divided

‘Do Your Best’
“I worry that people are hanging around and waiting for help to arrive,” he said. “This is the time to do your best. People need to be in charge of their own recovery.” (http://www.bloomberg.com から抜粋)

Do Your Best!


‘The Rose’: Living after Japan’s disaster

最後はAl Jazeera。以前から特設ページを配するなど、大きく扱ってくれています。(…といっても私は英語版の方しか読めないので、本国版でどう報じられているかは分かりませんが。)

Japan AfterShocks




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  3. 震災から一年 海外の記事まとめ